Observation Hive with 5 Frame Nuc Box In Stock Now

With a frame observation hive, you can encourage learning and exploration of honey bees up close. You can take a 5-frame observation hive nuc box on the road to teach the intricate workings of beehives to students, groups, at farmers markets or fairgrounds, and to share with the general public.

If you're traveling with a frame observation hive, make sure to pull one frame up into the viewing area before you leave. When you arrive at your destination, simply remove the shutters and let your audience observe the hive! There's nothing quite like seeing a bee colony up close, and observation hives make it all possible.

The openings of the observation hive latch securely, so there is no chance of your bees getting out or their hive to be disturbed. This item comes with the 5-frame observation nuc box, the observation hive viewing compartment with shutters, and an attached bottom board. Showcase your bees at work in all its glory through the clear acrylic viewing pane of the observation hive.

An excellent way to bring the beauty and wonder of a beehive into any public setting, whether it be a classroom, showroom, or simply to curious onlookers, is to use an observation hive.